Hi, I’m Steve. I can change the course of your business strategy using Design.

With a high bar for excellent craft, I deliver results through clean and refined visual execution.

Real-time Feedback

I led 0-1 design of feedback experience that unleashed a new product strategy that transformed us from a simple HR platform into a catalyst for organizational growth.


T3 Travel

I led designs that unlocked accessible, actionable and proactive safety features in collaboration with T3’s Internet of Things system.


Quantum Learning

Redefine the ways that contents can be discovered and consumed within the home page in order to leverage customer's engagement and consulting rate.


McDonald’s Connected Restaurant

I worked closely with Mcdonald’s innovation center to develop a food production system empowered by AI.


Org Chart

I redesigned the highly requested Org Chart, delivering a clean and refined visual design that significantly boosted user engagement.
